My name is Nick Halverson and I was born and raised in Anchorage Alaska. Starting at a very young age I fell in love with playing sports and played competitive hockey until high school graduation. After that I attended Arizona State University where I earned my Bachelors Degree in Exercise And Wellness. After graduation I moved back to Alaska and immediately began working in the fitness industry. After working in various gym settings, and increasing my knowledge and skills, I opened a training studio in 2017 called RYS Fitness. This stands for "Raise Your Standards". Our goal is to raise the standards of what training is and what it should be, while helping our friends, family and community become healthier through exercise. At the studio, I train anyone from young athletes to the older population. I now have 11+ years of experience ranging from Personal Training and Sports Performance Training To Nutrition and Management. I have learned in this time that I truly enjoy helping people better themselves, and I want to make a positive impact in the world through my knowledge, experience, and dedication to health and fitness.
Our store
123 Fake St.
Toronto, Canada
Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 11am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm